
This book is dedicated to the memory of Charles Julius Dunlop, who was Secretary of the Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company, President of the Companhia Ferro-Carril Carioca, and author of numerous books about the street railways of Brazil's former capital. Sr. Dunlop opened his home and archives to this researcher and supplied valuable information about Brazilian tramways in an extraordinary 350-page correspondence during an eight-year period (for which he compiled an index). Without his friendship, generosity, encouragement and good nature, this project would not have been attempted.

In addition to Sr. Dunlop and the photogaphers whose names appear next to the illustrations, the author would like to thank the following persons for their assistance in the preparation of this work: Norman Olsen, Gerald Rossi and John Rossman in New York; Earl W. Clark in Cincinnati; Raymond DeGroote in Chicago; W. C. Janssen in Michigan City; Harold E. Cox in Forty Fort; Foster M. Palmer in Watertown; Leroy W. Demery in Seattle; Charles S. Small in Honolulu; Ivan Stancioff in London; J. H. Price in Peterborough; Robert Peschkes in München; Peter Boehm in Düsseldorf; Omar M. Gil Soja in Montevideo; Werther Halarewicz in Cumaná; Denis G. Haddad in São Paulo; Pedro Américo de Souza, Antonio Giacomelli, Juarez Lucena, Paulo Berger, Carlos Wehrs, Roberto Pedroso, Yolanda Roberto and Elysio de Oliveira Belchior in Rio de Janeiro; Antonio Miranda in Brasília; Murilo Machado in Recife; Luis Alberto F. Moura in São Vicente; Carlos Alberto Cerchi in Sacramento; Gilberto Polenghi in Piraju; Adolfo Frioli in Sorocaba; Nilton Pimenta and Maria Luiza F. Dumans in Vitória; José Liberal de Castro in Fortaleza; Hamilton Pereira in Porto Velho; Maçarelio dos Santos Araújo in Campos; Romeu Côrtes in Além Paraíba; Angelo de Moura Delphim in Lavras; Henrique Carlos de Morais in Pelotas; Valdéa de Nazaré Conceição da Cunha in Belém; and Thereza Regina de Camargo Maia in Guaratinguetá.